NEW/S/LEAK Installation


Project Setup

Resolve external Javascript dependencies

The external Javascript dependencies of the project are resolved with bower, whereas bower is fetched via npm. To install the package manager npm for an Ubuntu based system execute the following commands. This will install the package manager using the local software repository.

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

Once npm is installed, execute the shell script, which will download bower and resolve the Javascript dependencies to app/assets/javascripts/libs/. The list of Javascript dependencies is defined in bower.json.

Enter database and elasticsearch credentials

The application uses the file conf/application.conf for configuration. Fill in your database and elasticsearch credentials next to the section Database configuration obtained during the newsleak pipeline setup.

See the Play database documentation for more information.

Build Instructions

The application uses the build tool sbt, which is similar to Java’s Maven or Ant and provides native support for compiling Scala code. Download the tool here. Installation instructions for Linux are provided here.

In order to compile the code run sbt compile in the root directory of the application. This will fetch all external Scala dependencies and further resolves the Scala compiler interface. To run the application in development mode execute sbt run and open the application in the browser via localhost:9000. In this mode, Play will check your your project and recompile required sources for each request. The development mode is not intended for a productive environment!


The following explains how to deploy the application in productive mode using the sbt dist task. This dist task creates a binary version of the application, which can be deployed to a server. To run the binary on a server a Java 8 installation is required.

In order to create the binary, run sbt dist in the root directory of the application. This will package all required files to a zip archive, which will be stored in target/universal. For more information see the Play documentation.

To deploy the binary on the server, unpack the packaged zip archive (target/universal/) to a directory of your choice e.g. unzip -d /path/ unpacks the archive to /path/. Next modify the conf/application.conf file to provide the database and elasticsearch credentials.

Finally, execute bin/new-s-leak -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf from the root folder of your application. The application is then reachable via port 9000. Also make sure this port is reachable from the outside.

Running new/s/leak in docker

If you have very big data and want to run each components of new/s/leak individually, follow the pipeline section below. In this section, we will show you how to run new/s/leak in a docker container.

  • First install docker container in your environment. This instruction is based on docker version of 1.12.5 for Client and Server. Get more here
  • Prepare the document.csv and metadata.csv files as it described below in the pipeline section.
  • Download the required resources from here and unzip the zip file.
  • Put the document.csv and metadata.csv files you prepare into the docker/newsleakpipeline/ folder, and run the command sh under docker/ to start new/s/leak.
  • Access the application at [localhost] (http://localhost:9000) once the docker compilation is completed and the new/s/leak application started. You see the following lines when the application is started
[info] play.api.Play - Application started (Prod)
[info] p.c.s.NettyServer - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000

Note: If you want to run with the simple demo files included (document.csv and metadata.csv), unzipe the resource and run the command sh under folder docker/

The new/s/leak Pipeline

We have compiled everything required to start the new/s/leak application. You can download the required resources from here. Unzip the zip file and we call this NEWSLEAKHOME

System requirements and Configurations

  1. Java 8 and above
  2. PostgresSQL 9.1 and above. Make sure you have a user with roles such as createdb and createrole. If you do not have one already, you can create as follows
    CREATE TABLE blacklistedkeywords(docid bigint, term varchar(50), frequency integer, type varchar(50));
    CREATE TABLE duplicatekeywords(duplicate varchar(50), focal varchar(50));

Before starting the application complete the followings:

  • Prepare your document as it is seen in the sample document.csv file. It should be well-formatted CSV file as "DocID",Content","CreationDate". "DocID" should be a number, and "CreationDate" is a proper date such as 2010-01-01, 2010-10, 2010
  • Prepare the metadata file as it is seen in the sample metadata.csv file. It should be well-formatted CSV file as "DocID","MetadataKey","MetadataValue", "MetadataType". MetadataKey is the name of the metadata and MetadataValue is the value of the metadata while MetadataType is the data type of the meta data such as Text, Numeric or Date.
  • Edit the file. Set the different configurations accordingly.

Set the dbname to a new database name for new/s/leak. Example

 dbname = newsleak

Set the dbuser , dbpass and the dbaddress accordingly. This user should be superuser created as above in the system requirements section. Example

 dbuser = newsreader
 dbpass = newsreader
 dbaddress = localhost:5432

Set the name of elasticsearch index you plan to use. See below about Elasticsearch configurations

indexname = newsleak

Set lang either to en for English documents or de for German documents.

lang = en

Set documentname to the name of the document as it is specified in (1.) above.

documentname = document.csv

Finally set threads to a number of threads you want to use to have parallel event time extraction. 10 might be enough for a single CPU with 4 cores. See details below to experiment with different threads for time expression


The only configuration you have to change in this section is the treeTaggerHome. Provide an absolute path to the TreeTager folder which is found under NEWSLEAKHOME.

  • Open the application.conf file and make changes to the Database configuration section Example

    Also, change to the elastic search related configurations. The appropriate elasticsearch version supported is available under NEWSLEAKHOME. If you plan your existing elasticsearch installation, make sure they have the same versions (2.2.0) Make sure also you have the same clustername in the elasticsearch.yml file as shown below.

    es.clustername = "NewsLeaksCluster"
    es.address = "localhost"
    es.port = 9501
    es.indices =  [newsleak]
    es.index.default = "newsleak"
  • Edit the elasticsearch.yml so that the name of the cluster matches the name given in the application.conf file. NewsLeaksCluster

    Also give an available ports and bind address for Elasticsearch.
    transport.tcp.port: 9501
    http.port: 9500
  • To enable UPDATE API and AGGS API in elasticsearch and also allow HTTP cors methods, add these configurations in the elasticsearch.yml:
 cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: false
 http.cors.enabled : true
 http.cors.allow-origin : "*"
 http.cors.allow-methods : OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
 http.cors.allow-headers : X-Requested-With,X-Auth-Token,Content-Type, Content-Length
 script.engine.groovy.inline.update: on
 script.enginge.groovy.inline.aggs: on
 index.number_of_shards: 1
 index.number_of_replicas: 1

Finally, provide the absolute path of Elasticsearch for and path.home /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/elasticsearch-2.2.0
 path.home: /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/elasticsearch-2.2.0

Start the preprocessing components

Once the above configurations are in place, start the pre-processing component as follows

  • To run all preprocessing components (entity extraction, import to database, build elasticsearch index…) run the following
java -jar newsleakprocessor.jar -a
  • Otherwise, you can run the components separately, but in the order provided as floows
    1. java -jar newsleakprocessor.jar -h  //// Extract event time expressions
    2. java -jar newsleakprocessor.jar -g //// Extract named entities
    3. java -jar newsleakprocessor.jar -d //// Import data to database
    4. java -jar newsleakprocessor.jar -e //// Build elastic search index

Start new/s/leak application

Once the pre=process components are completed, you can start new/s/leak application as follows

  1. First, copy the modified elasticsearch.yml file into NEWSLEAKHOME/elasticsearch-2.2.0/config/ and start elastic search as follows
  2. start new/s/leak as follows
    bin/new-s-leak -Dconfig.file=application.conf

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Copyright (C) 2016 Language Technology Group and Interactive Graphics Systems Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.